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As you already know, my preggo pay site is up and running.
I am very curious to hear my fans opinions about the site.
What can we improve on the design – your comments and suggestions.
(maybe to change some pics ? the trailer ? …)
Anything you can think of…
Two of you, that will have most useful criticism will get a free 15 day access to my site!
My site is now LIVE!
Where is my site?
Grrrr, it takes AGES for the design of my site to get done. I can’t wait to see it up and running already.
I met this girl once, she was preggo as well and we kinda bonded over that. Well, HER site is already live. How about that! I want mine ready too!!!
My fans!
One of the things that’s helped me through the ups and downs of my pregnancy is my fans. You guys Tweet at me when I’m feeling down and help keep my up when I’m feeling good.
Wow, my nipples get really sensitive sometimes!
Wow, my nipples get really sensitive sometimes! One of the best things about this pregnancy is that my tiny tits have sprouted into something more impressive. They’re not big, of course, but they’re like B cups now. They’re still super perky and my boyfriend can’t get enough of them.
There are things that you’re never really told about pregnancy
There are things that you’re never really told about pregnancy. Maybe it’s just pregnant teens they don’t tell these things to. I don’t know. Maybe I wouldn’t have even listened if someone had told me about this stuff.
I really, really like having my boyfriend cum in my pussy
One of the weird things I’ve noticed about pregnant sex is that I really, really like having my boyfriend cum in my pussy now. I’ve always liked having sex without condoms but this is something different.
Wow, I have a seriously high sex drive lately
Wow, I have a seriously high sex drive lately. Obviously my sex drive has always been pretty high – I’ve been making porn since my 18th birthday, basically – but now it’s off the charts. These past couple days I’ve wanted cock every hour.